What if we were never liberated? Checkpoint Charlie was the control post on the border between the American and the Russian zone in Berlin. The portraits of Eindhoven citizens in their current jobs and the jobs they would have had when Eindhoven had not been liberated and we would still be under nazi occupation. Which jobs would people have? Would they still be a rapper, an artist or an entrepeneur? Or would they be in the army, be working at a factory or would they be unoccupied?
This project was carried out for Eindhoven Museum. The portrets show Eveline Wu, Nacho Carbonell, Huub Smit, Piet Bergman, Angelique Spaninks, DJ La Fuente, Isaac Habtemichael, Bjorn van der Doelen, Elphi Nelissen, Henk Krol and Lenny Kuhr.